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Credential Validation

HID Global pivCLASS Desktop and Mobile Editions provide a solid, three-step authentication process that is ideal for government applications. The software extracts cardholder data from a smart card, validates the cardholder's PIN, and completes on-card biometrics matching. Digital certificates are verified using the issuer's certificate authority, SCVP, OCSP responder/repeater, or the TSA hot list (TWIC cardholders). All cards are validated using FIPS-201 challenge-response protocol in order to identify forged or cloned cards. Once the validation of a cardholder is complete, pivCLASS Plus automatically enrolls the FASC-N, photo, and pertinent cardholder information into C•CURE 9000 and C•CURE 800/8000 systems using the pivCLASS PACS plug-in.

  • * Verifies cardholder identity and validates FIPS 201-compliant PIV-II, next-generation (NG) CAC, TWIC, or FRAC credentials in real-time
  • * Performs three-factor authentication of cardholder using PIN, biometrics, and certificate (or serial numbers) detecting forged or cloned cards
  • * Enrolls FASC-N, photo, and pertinent cardholder information into C•CURE 9000 and C•CURE 800/8000
  • * Automatically suspends a C•CURE cardholder's badge if his or her PIV, TWIC, or CAC card certificate serial number is on the Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
  • * Uploads a cardholder transaction audit trail to central database or exports it to a .csv file for centralized transaction management
  • * Compatible with Datastrip DSV+ Turbo® biometric mobile terminal for off-site verification and enrollment
  • * Re-validates imported cardholder certificates on a periodic basis via the Internet
  • * Operates with commercial, off-the-shelf (COTS) FIPS 201 PIV-II and ANSI INCITS 378-compliant fingerprint capture devices
  • * C•CURE now supports journaling for pivCLASS activity