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EntraPass Security Management Software

EntraPass Special Edition Security Software

EntraPass Special Edition is security management software for a single workstation with the ability to control a single door with the KT-1, up to 128 doors with KT-100/KT-300 and up to 256 doors with KT-400 door controllers.


EntraPass Corporate Edition Security Software

EntraPass Corporate Edition is a multiple workstation software platform that offers the ultimate balance between power and affordability in a network environment. It offers the flexibility to securely connect controllers directly on the network, as well as over RS-485.


EntraPass Global Edition Security Software

EntraPass Global Edition is a powerful, network-ready enterprise level security management software that accommodates widely-dispersed applications with an unlimited number of users, controls thousands of doors and allows you to simultaneously access the system from up to 128 workstations connected to the network.
